Assuming There Is Life After Death, What Is It Like?

spiritualbeingSome months ago I read a question on Quora: “Assuming There Is Life After Death, What Is It Like?“, and I immediately wanted to add an answer, because it is a rather important question, that asks everybody during the lifetime. To be honest, it is a question that you cannot answer for sure, but everybody has an own answer that feels to be real, more or less. You should accept the answer which is the closest to your heart.

Here is mine:

I suspect that you will not have a physical body like now, your appearance as a spirit must be different, more like fine energy.

You may recognize that all pain and doubts suddenly gone, with the breath of wind…

You may discover that your existence did not disappear but amplifies, without body you will feel as light as a fluff…

The world that you know will expand around you, and you may feel great freedom, and unity will that is…

You may recognize, that all you learned on earth become wisdom, suddenly the dots connect to each other, and your old experiences (before your life in a physical body) will return to you…

You may understand, your current human life in context, how it fits into the whole picture…

You may meet with your “old” friends, relatives, with everybody…

You won’t need any voice to say, because every intention and thought get reality instantly, and everybody around you will understand your feelings immediately…

Time that you called “years” and “month” will not matter anymore these were illusions…

 You will fully control your intentions, desires and dreams will as real as never before…

You could now choose how your spiritual journey continous, either on earth or in any other place, you have infinite possibilities now…

But the most important, that You will feel enormous Love, with the recognition that you are Home.


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