Top 6 Books About Scuba Diving (2023)

best scuba diving books

Diving is one of the most outstanding experiences in one's life. It's one of those things that should be on your bucket list. Do it once or twice, and you'll fall in love with it.

To me, it became an obsession. Whenever I’m on holiday, and there's a sea nearby, scuba diving is one of the first things I'll book.

If you’ve never tried it, that feeling of weightlessness will give you a unique sensation. That feeling of breathing while being underwater is extraordinary.

And then, there’s the underwater world, which you’ve only seen in documentaries or those beautiful wallpapers for your computer… It looks exactly the same.

Anyway, whether you're new to scuba diving, you're getting ready for your first such experience, or you have already done it a few times, here are a few handy books to help out.

I find it difficult to choose the best book about scuba diving because some of them are about guidance, while others are about training and things to do or avoid. All in all, here are my best recommendations.

What Are The Most Impressive Books on Scuba Diving?

[Life] Lessons Learned Diving, by Daryl Bob Goldberg (2023)

If you've done scuba diving before, this book will take you even deeper… And I don't mean underwater but from an emotional point of view.

Scuba diving isn’t just about diving underwater, but also about learning new things in life. I'll be honest with you, this book gives you depth from a psychological point of view. Even if you're not into psychology, you'll discover some new principles, and some new lessons that will prove to be handy later on in life.

It’s far from what you would expect because the author takes dive lessons and turns them into life lessons, simple as that.

It sounds difficult to understand, but there’s nothing sophisticated about it. The book is straightforward and easy to understand. The author jumps from one topic to another pretty quickly and offers poignant points of view that actually make a lot of sense.

If you’ve never been scuba diving, you’ll find the scuba diving book just as interesting because you’ll learn some new facts. Moreover, the format stands out… One side has a scuba diving lesson, while the other side has the same lesson transposed into our everyday lives.

Scuba Diving Hand Signals, by Lars Behnke (2022)

Underwater communication is critical. I know you’re not thinking about it, but trust me, it can make the difference between life and death. Furthermore, efficient communication saves time and makes the experience safer and more enjoyable.

Now, some signals make sense, of course. Point a finger behind your scuba diving partner, and they'll turn around to see what you're pointing at. But this isn't everything…

If you’ve done scuba diving before, you know those conversations afterwards about what you meant when you did those signs or what you wanted to show your partner… They’re normal, especially if you’ve got no clue about underwater sign language.

Well, this is probably the best book about scuba diving communication. It covers more than 240 signs, from problems and emergencies to training, air pressure issues, wildlife, and emotions.

They’re excellent if you’re in a group, but they’re just as handy if you and your partner like scuba diving. Being able to communicate efficiently makes the experience a joy. Plus, it can actually help during emergencies.

Scuba Diving, by Dennis Graver (2016)

This is one of the most comprehensive manuals and guides on scuba diving, and not only… It's been through a few updates overtime, so make sure you get the latest edition.

It’s one of the best resources to make sure your scuba diving experience is secure and satisfying. It brings in dozens of high quality pictures, diving instructions, guides, and small details that can add to your experience.

It makes no difference if you’re getting ready for your first scuba diving experience, you already are a recreational diver, or you're an instructor.

Everything in this scuba diving book is based on scientific research, as well as the author’s personal experience of nearly half a century.

Anyway, to give you a few spoilers, you’ll learn how to choose scuba equipment, equalize pressure, dive safely, prevent hazards, and appreciate wildlife.

There are plenty of common questions and answers as well, a little bit for everyone.

Scuba Fundamental, by Simon Pridmore (2016)

if you’re not sure about scuba diving or you think you like it, this book will put you on track and clear everything up for you.

I’ve read this book about scuba diving after about three sessions. I liked the experience, but I wasn’t sure if I love it. I thought I’ll probably do it again, but I wanted to make it more professional and enjoyable. Plus, it’s also the standard of health and safety.

Anyway, to make it clear, this is not one of those classic manuals and it won’t teach you how to dive. You’ll need a professional for that. Instead, this book sets the basics, so the learning process becomes a breeze.

You’ll be aware of potential dangers and everything you need to know before becoming good at it.

Furthermore, the book will help you determine when you’re ready to take a course. It will teach you how to choose an instructor and what types of dives are more suitable for beginners.

If you’re not sure how scuba diving will change your life, Simon Pridmore will explain everything in small details. A different chapter discusses etiquette involved in it too.

Bottom line, from safety standards and unwritten rules to life lessons you’ll learn and how to choose an instructor, this book has everything you’ll need to dive into this extraordinary world.

The Scuba Diving Handbook, by John Bantin (2007)

New to scuba diving? Fascinated by the underwater world? This handbook is suitable for all kinds of divers, regardless of age or experience.

It will take you through the starting stages and the basics, but it will also introduce you to more advanced techniques and superior skills, ideal for those with a bit of experience.

The comprehensive reference also features 350 high quality pictures and well detailed diagrams, tips, and tricks. It's written by John Bantin, but it gathers useful information from a series of professionals.

Everything on scuba diving is included in this book, from choosing an instructor, the science behind this activity, deep diving, descending and ascending, breathing techniques, cave or wreck diving, health and safety standards, you name it.

You’ll learn how to raise heavy stuff, what to do when the equipment fails, and much more. Finding shark infested waters is also a useful chapter, not to mention diving with large animals around you.

The temperature, cameras, and techniques to conquer fear are just as useful. Honestly, I can't think of something that's not covered in this book. It's one of the most detailed handbooks out there, and for some good reasons.

Obviously, there’s always room to research and read more, but this scuba diving book will set a solid foundation for your further experience underwater.

Scuba Diving Guide, by Jeffrey Pewitt (2020)

You’ll never be able to explain the moment you go underwater for the first time… It’s a sensation that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. It’s something that doesn’t feel like anything else. No matter how often you do it, the feeling will always be the same.

You feel like there's no one else around you. The world simply vanishes. You forget about stress and worries. You're there with the wildlife, and you blend into nature. It’s a superlative experience that can be good or extraordinary, depending on how much you know about it.

Scuba diving can be a nice thing to do, but it can also be awesome. To gain as much as possible from it, you’ll need to become familiar with everything about it, from safety and wildlife to equipment and unwritten rules.

This book about scuba diving will teach you about different types of activity, health requirements, terminology in this industry, diving locations and much more.

This book will make the difference between a different experience and a unique one. Go untrained, with no education at all, and you’ll enjoy a decent experience. Do your homework and go scuba diving more often, it will become the experience of a lifetime.

You'll know what to expect, how to handle your fears, be safe at all times, and appreciate wildlife without disturbing it. Obviously, there's much more to learn about each topic, but this book will help you build a foundation for further education.

Mostly aimed at newbies, I believe it will make your experience more enjoyable.

Final Thoughts about Scuba Diving Books

Deciding on the best book about scuba diving is difficult because each of my recommendations is slightly different. One of them is about things you’ll learn from scuba diving. Another one is about sign language, not to mention the life lessons that scuba divers want to share with us.

I believe you should read at least one guide before going scuba diving for the first time. If you’ve already done it, you’ll probably want to do it again. And that’s when you need to educate yourself even more.

Each of these books is easy to understand and written without any technical jargon, so they're ideal for people of all experience levels.

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