Self Care for Black Women by Layla Moon

Self Care for Black Women

Self-Care for Black Women Book 1

A Powerful Mental Health Workbook to Quiet Your Inner Critic, Boost Self-Esteem, and Love Yourself

A Collection of Five Essential Books for Any Black Women Looking to Prioritize Their Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional Well-Being

This compilation book includes:

  1. Emotional Self Care for Black Women: A Powerful Mental Health Workbook to Silence Your Inner Critic, Raise Your Self-Esteem, And Heal Yourself
  2. Spiritual Self Care for Black Women: A Powerful, Holistic Workbook to Radically Love Yourself and Heal Your Mind, Body, & Soul
  3. 365 Powerful Positive Affirmations for Black Women: Reprogram Your Mind to Boost Confidence, Self-Esteem, Attract Success, Money, Health, and Love
  4. 365 Badass Positive Affirmations for Strong Black Women: For BIPOC Women to Overcome Negative Thinking, Increase Confidence, and Self-Love
  5. One Year Self-Discovery Journal for Black Women: 365 Eye-Opening Questions to Discover Your Self, Raise Self-Esteem, and Embrace Your True Beauty

Not only do these books provides you with useful knowledge and inspiration, but also with a journal to record your own self-care journey. Each book has been chosen with care to provide black women a comprehensive picture of self-care, encompassing subjects like physical health, emotional health, mental wellbeing, and the importance of sisterhood and community.

You will acquire the skills and information necessary to take charge of your own mental health and develop a self-care strategy that works for you after reading these books. This box set is the ideal resource whether you're trying to develop your practice or are just beginning your self-care journey.

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Excerpt from Self Care for Black Women © Copyright 2023 Layla Moon

When you think of an emotional black woman, the first thing that probably comes to mind is a woman who is angry, bitter, and raging at the whole world. Either that or our minds draw up the vision of a black woman crying pitifully. We don't see emotions in a positive light and unfortunately, I can't say it's our fault. A few years ago, I shared the same sentiments. Sadly, the messages around me reinforced this imagery I had of what an emotional black woman is supposed to look like. I thought crying was the ultimate expression of a woman's emotions. And so do a lot of people, which is why we strongly try to deter our black brothers from finding emotional expression in their tears. We tell them it is womanly and therefore, “weak.”

As we fight for gender equality in today's climate, the freedom to cry freely is gradually being frowned upon as well. We have prospective life partners saying things like, they “don't like their women emotionally weak.” And when you translate that in ‘regular speak,’ they mean they don't want a woman who is tearful or expresses herself in any of the ways I mentioned earlier. The problem is not people having standards for what they want in a potential partner. The problem is the narrow perspective we have when it comes to the colorful range of human emotions and feelings, that we assign emotions to specific genders or dictate how each of us should react to these emotions. And worse still, we made it the general definition of what it means to be an emotional black woman.

This is the reason I felt inspired to write this book. I am hoping that at the end of the book, that picture of who we think an emotional black woman is will change. I do this with the expectation that certain important concepts that we have assigned negative labels to will be seen in a new light and will empower us with the knowledge to help us thrive and grow in our respective endeavors.

At the end of this chapter, I want you to understand what emotional health is and what it means to care for your emotional health. The idea that a strong black woman is someone who has succeeded in shutting down her emotions or someone who does not display emotions in ways that are considered weak should be burned and destroyed forever. That narrative is costing us our peace and happiness. We need to care about our emotions.

What is Emotional Self-Care?

I came across the word self-care in a Hollywood movie. The way it was sold to me was basically taking a bath in a tub surrounded by candles, petals, and all that stuff – which is nice, but far from the whole truth. Self-care is way more than having a nice soak in the tub. It is in your attitude towards yourself. It is in your interactions with other people. It is in the words you silently say to yourself when no one else is listening. When your emotional health is neglected, your inner critic assumes control by default. The voice becomes the loudest and if you do not consciously check your inner critic, the message will be negative, and that negativity will consume you.

A quick internet search tells us that emotional self-care is a conscious effort towards identifying and nurturing your true feelings, your conscious inner state, and your emotional intellect. If I was going to phrase this in a cool way, I would say emotional self-care is the quaint art of giving a f**k.  As women, we spend a lot of time and effort trying to get other people to care about our feelings when we fail to do the same for ourselves. We shut ourselves down emotionally and expect some knight in shining armor to come and rescue us. This expectation is ridiculous because we are actually in possession of the key to the chains that hold us down. The only way to help ourselves grow emotionally and to maintain stable emotional health is to start caring about our feelings. And to do that, this process must happen in three phases.

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